Monitoring of Erosion, Scour and All-Weather Precipitation
Built in the USA Since 1975

ETI reference projects
Bridge Instrumentation Products Manufactured and Installed:
2021 Michigan Department of Transportation BM-20, FLT-3 Sensors, Tobacco River
2020 Colorado Department of Transportation BM-20, TLT-3 Cloud Server, Dolores River near Grand Junction, CO
2020 National Park Service BM-20, TLT-3, FLT-3 Cloud Server, Yosemite NP, El Capitan Bridge, CA
2020 National Park Service BM-20, TLT-3 Sequoia NP, Kings Canyon Bridges, Upgrade to Cloud Server, CA
2018 National Park Service BM-20, TLT-3 Fort Laramie Recreation, QY
2018 Connecticut Department of Transportation BM-20, AS-3, TLT-3 Commodore Hull Bridge, CT
2017 New Jersey Turnpike Authority BM-20, AS-3, TLT-3 Mullica River, NJ
2017 Maryland Department of Transportation BM-20, AS-3, TLT-3 Choptank River, MD
2016 Granite Construction FLT-3, TLT-3, Grand Avenue Bridge Glenwood Springs, CO
2016 New York Department of Transportation AS-4, TLT-4, Loop Parkway over Long Creek eleven piers with tilt and sonar
2016 New York Department of Transportation AS-4, TLT-4, Meadowbrook Parkway, Fundy Channel piers with tilt and sonar
2016 New York Department of Transportation AS-4, TLT-4, Meadowbrook Parkway, False Channel piers with tilt and sonar
20165 New York Department of Transportation AS-4, TLT-4, Meadowbrook Sloop Channel twenty-eight piers with tilt and sonar
2016 New York Department of Transportation AS-4, TLT-4, Robert Moses Causeway over State Boat Channel SB & NB, piers with tilt and sonar
2016 New York Department of Transportation AS-4, TLT-4, Robert Moses Causeway over Fire Island teen piers with tilt and sonar
2015 Electro Ferro AS-1 sonar sensor for installation by customer in Peru
2015 Michael Baker Co. Anchorage, Alaska AS-4 bridges, sonars
2014 North Caroline Department of Transportation AS-3 Bonner Bridge sonars
2013 Minnesota Department of Transportation AS-3,FLT-3, TLT-3 Bridge over I-90 Mississippi River tilt, sonar, float-outs
2013 NY Department of Transportation SMC-3 Bridge over Schoharie Creek, Sliding Collars
2013 Clemson University TDR-3 Time Domain Reflectometer
2013 Rhode Island Department of Transportation AS-3. Upgrade of Verazano bridge (will be returned to operation in Spring 2013)
2013 Minnesota Department of Transportation FO-3. float-out sensors, tilt sensors, sonar sensor
2013 Connecticut Department of Transportation sonar sensors installed on the Mystic River Bridge in Mystic, CT
2012 Idaho Department of Transportation AS-3. sonar sensors installed on the Kootenai River near Bonner’s Ferry
2012 Kings Canyon National Park Tilt-3. Eight tilt sensors, stage sensors installed on bridges in the National Park - uses Iridium Satellite Services for displaying graphical and tabular data on Internet website
2012 New Jersey Department of Transportation AS_3. Eight sonar sensors, stage sensor installed on Bass River Bridge on the New Jersey Turnpike
2012 Florida State A&M sonar sensor
2012 Massachusetts Department of Transportation AS-3/SMC-3. sonar sensors, sliding magnetic collars, stage sensor installed on Duck bridge over the Merrimack River
2012 University of Hawaii SMC-3. sliding magnetic collar sensors
2011 Eymaq, Inc. AS-1. sonar sensor configured for installation for customer in Peru
2011 Minnesota Department of Transportation FO-3. float-out sensors, tethered buried switches, stage sensor installed on bridge 7100
2011 Minnesota Department of Transportation AS-3/Tilt-3. sonar sensors, tilt sensors, stage sensor installed on bridge 5900
2011 California Department of Transportation Tilt-3. tilt sensors, stage sensor for Greenwood Creek bridge
2011 Clemson University Provided developmental software for sonar sensors
2011 California Department of Transportation Tilt-3. tilt sensors on the Feather River Bridge
2011 Alaska Department of Transportation AS-3. Software upgrade to existing system
2011 New York Department of Transportation AS-3. sonar sensors and a stage sensor for Loop Parkway bridge on Long Island
2011 Minnesota Department of Transportation FLT-3. buried float-out sensors
2010 New York Department of Transportation AS-3. Upgraded sonar sensors on 13 piers on Fire Island bridge
2010 Illinois Department of Transportation FLT-3 Float-out system, 6 FO sensors (on adjacent bridges), digital cellular internet access, email notifications
2010 Larimer County (Colorado), Shields Street Bridge Tilt-3 tilt sensor system, 4 tilt sensors and 4 tethered buried switches, email notifications and internet access
2009 Michigan Department of Transportation Mobile W ireless Streambed Profiler (truck-mounted), guided tethered floatation sonar
2009 California Department of
Transportation (San Gabriel) Tilt-3 tilt sensor, 4 tilt sensors and stream stage
2009 University of Hawaii AS-3 sonar system, 3 bridges, each bridge with 2 sonars and a stream stage monitor, digital cellular modem internet access
2008 California Department of
Transportation (W hite W ater Bridge) Tilt-3 tilt sensor system, 14 tilt sensors, 4 wireless remotes, digital cellular modem
2008 New York City Department of Transportation (W illis Avenue Bridge) AS-4 Sonar and stream stage monitor, 18 sonars and a stream stage monitor, digital cellular modem, internet access
2007 Alaska Department of Transportation FLT-3 Float-out, 24 FO sensors and a stream stage monitor, ORBCOM satellite data communications
2007 California Department of
Transportation (Greenwood) TLT-4 tilt sensor, wireless data link, landline data acquisition
2006 Clark County Public W orks AS-3 Scour Tracker, active sonar, landline data acquisition
2006 USGS - Alaska AS-3 Scour Tracker, active sonar, Orbcomm satellite
2005 California Department of
Transportation, Biggs Bridge TLT-4 tilt sensor, wireless data link, landline data acquisition
2005 USGS - Alaska AS-3 Scour Tracker, active sonar, Orbcomm satellite (3 each)
2004 USGS - Alaska Tanana River sonar winch deployment system
2003 Maricopa County Arizona Flt-3 float outs with Alert and cellular telemetry (37 float-outs)
2003 US Geological Survey Alaska AS-1 sonars data link to Sutron (2 systems)
2002 Alaska Department of Transportation AS-3 sonars with satellite communications ( systems)
2001 Alaska Department of Transportation AS-3/PF-3 sonar and piezoelectric film sensors with satellite communications
2001 Alabama Department of Transportation TLT-3 bridge tilt measuring systems with tilts and cellular teleph communications ( systems)
2001 Hawaii Department of Transportation SMC-3 Sliding Magnetic Collar ( collars)
2001 Hawaii Department of Transportation AS-3 sonar ( sonars)
2001 W isconsin Department of Transportation SMC-1 sliding magnetic collar
2001 California Department of Transportation SMC-3 sliding magnetic collar ( collars)
2001 California Department of Transportation TLT-4 bridge tilt measuring system with eight tilt sensors and wireless communications
2000 Alabama Department of Transportation AS-3 sonars with float-out sensors ( systems)
2000 US Geological Survey Alaska AS-2 sonars, systems (upgraded to satellite communications in 2001)
2000 California Department of Transportation SMC-4 sliding magnetic collar ( collars), eight tilt sensors, and 32 float-out sensors
2000 California Department of Transportation SMC-3 sliding magnetic collar with collar and bridge tilt sensor
2000 New York Department of Transportation AS-4 sonar (13 piers instrumented) with landline communications
1999 Rutgers State University of New Jersey bridges instrumented; each includes an AS-3 sonar and SMC-3 Sliding Magnetic Collar
1999 Rhode Island Department of Transportation SMC-3 sonar, remote cellular data telecommunications
1999 Alabama Department of Transportation FLT-3 Buried Float-out Transmitter, digitized voice telecommunications over cellular teleph
1999 California Department of Transportation Instrumented eight bridges with bridge tilt sensors, buried float- out transmitters, stream stage monitors, remote cellular data telecommunications
1999 Virginia Department of
Transportation, W oodrow W ilson Bridge AS-4 sonar, piers with wireless data link, land-line data and digitized voice telecommunications
1999 Virginia Department of
Transportation, W oodrow W ilson Bridge stream velocity and direction sensors installed and incorporated with scour monitoring system
1998 California Department of Transportation Instrumented bridges with SMC-3 sliding magnetic collar, AS- 3 sonar, Brisco, and buried float-out transmitters, remote cellular, GOES satellite, and land-line data telecommunications
1998 New York Department of Transportation Instrumented bridges on Long Island with AS-4 sonar, stage sensors, wireless data link, and remote cellular data and digitized voice communications. Instrumented 10 piers with sonar and wireless data links on bridge; instrumented piers with sonar and wireless data links on the other.
1998 City of Phoenix, AZ AS-3 sonar, stage sensor, land-line data communications
1998 Arizona Department of Transportation Instrumented bridges with AS-3 sonar and buried float-out transmitters, cellular data communications
1997 Nevada Department of Transportation Instrumented bridges with AS-3 sonar and buried float-out transmitters
1997 Purdue University Combined SMC and Sonar
1997 US Geological Survey, Oregon PF-1 Piezoelectric Film
1997 Aetek Company, (for Korea) AS-2 sonar
1997 R.M.Harris Company, California AS-3 with FLT-3 (12 floatouts)
1996 Maine Department of Transportation SMC-1 Sliding Magnetic Collar
1996 Granite Construction, Nevada PF-2 Piezoelectric film
1996 Oakgrove Construction, New York SMC-1 Sliding Magnetic Collar
1996 US Geological Survey, Oregon FLT-1 Buried Floatouts